So I was Facebooking a friend of mine about protein smoothies, and she told me her trainer said if she drinks protein she would gain weight... this prompted me to blog and blog and blog on the topic. I've touched on tummy trouble in this blog as well as many of us have had or are having issues with bloating and stomach problems. Since I've changed my diet recently, my stomach issues have improved greatly. And of course, most of us want to improve our health, fitness and often our appearance (weight) and this all falls together. But before I wrote this to her, I first had to vent about a fitness trainer telling someone not to have protein if they want to lose weight!! I still cannot believe it... seriously, no words...
So here you go ~~
If you are lifting weights and doing resistance training, you MUST eat protein to build and repair the muscles you are tearing down... My trainer, before I had to drop him so Jake could go (kids, hum), wanted me to have a liquid form of protein as soon as possible after our workouts to help with muscle repair, and I mean every time I left, he asked me if I was going to get my protein. You should shoot to eat your weight in protein grams daily!!!! I'll get to the stomach probs in a sec, but if you are eating 100 plus grams of protein a day, the other crap you eat will certainly be less. You will not be craving the crappy food you are currently addicted to (not being mean, but usually the problem is the eating) because you will be full on good lean protein. I like whey protein. I buy the inexpensive Body Fortress from Walmart. If you use 2 scoops, it is 270 calories and 52, yes, 52 grams of protein. However, that makes for a pretty thick shake, so I usually just do1 large scoop, so a little over 26 grams of protein per shake and only 135 calories. Now there is a Body Fortress Weight Gainer protein, so make sure you get the regular one ~ that one is for men trying to gain. I like a splash of the Pure Silk Coconut Milk, but I like the almond milk too. This is really just for a little flavor and texture. I fill the rest up with cold water to the 1 cup (or a little over) line of the blender. Then I add a little bit of crushed ice, 1/2 frozen banana (this gives the shake a texture like you've put ice cream in it), a blob (about a tablespoonful) of organic natural peanut butter (I just get the one from Costco), and I throw in about a tablespoon of dark chocolate chips. Sometimes I add blueberries too, or whatever I'm in the mood for. Today they were out of the chocolate Body Fortress, so I got the chocolate/peanut butter flavor, and it ROCKS! I've also had vanilla, and it is tastey too. But I am a chocolate lover, so I usually stick to that. I do not do the chocolate chips every time I have a shake, but I usually do at least one a day. But I also do not eat anything else sugary at all. I don't even use Ketchup anymore, and if you don't eat french fries, you don't need Ketchup! I find having one of these shakes as a snack after a workout, and sometimes as a meal replacement has really made a difference in my weight and eating habits. I am gaining muscle, and losing body fat. I feel confident about how I look. I still have my areas that need improvement for sure, but I love how I feel, and I am seeing a big difference all around. Another great way to have this as a quick snack on the run is to put a scoop in a tuperware shaker cup (or whatever brand), and then just add cold water when you need it. If you have access to a few ice cubes that helps when you shake it. Is it as good as the chocolate chip one? Naw, but it is drinkable, and it WILL fill you up so you don't have anything bad.
Tummy trouble... I am convinced your tummy trouble will improve immensely if you change your eating. STOP eating anything processed. I rarely have bread. If I'm in a pinch I'll get a sandwich (whole wheat) at Subway, but I just don't eat bread anymore on any sort of regular basis. Stop eating mashed potatoes, pizza, ranch, white rice, pasta, white refined sugar, hash browns, fries, cereal, fried foods... anything with white flour or, you know, fake ~ don't eat it. It may sound very restrictive if this is the way you're used to eating, but I promise, it feels so good to not eat this way I can't imagine going back. With that said... I do plan a "cheat" meal about once a week. Not a cheat weekend, not a cheat day, a single cheat meal. Lately it's been blueberry pancakes and bacon for Saturday morning breakfast. I have had it twice in the last month, and ate it guilt free. If you are going out to an Italian restaurant or Mexican food, then plan on eating a dish of your choice and enjoy it. But if you get in the clean eating habit, you will crave the healthier choice because you will know the difference of how it feels to not eat things that will bloat you up and make your stomach hurt, and in my case gave me gas and constipated me.
Some of my favorite things to eat now: Lara Bars!! Love them, totally natural, and delish! I eat one with a hard boiled egg to balance out the protein since they are a little high on the carbs (good carbs though). If you're drinking water like you should, this little snack will tide you over. Cesar salad "my way", romaine lettuce, chicken breast, easy croutons (ya I know, but I love it when they soak up the lemon), easy parmesan cheese, about 1/2 fresh lemon juice (or more~love lemons) mixed with a little olive oil if available poured over the salad. I get the dressing on the side and I use less than a teaspoonful. Seriously, I've had the waitress ask me if I ate any of the dressing. I boil 12 eggs every week so I have a good protein source handy at all times. One yolk a day is not going to hurt you, and even two is okay. I try to grill up enough chicken to last me a week for my lunches (actually Mark does the cooking ~ lol). I love to have chicken with 1/2 cup of brown rice, or some sweet potato, or in a salad. I love both of these meals with my favorite Tapatio hot sauce. If you like fish, then eat it too!! I do have some red meat because Mark is always making it, but I find I eat much smaller portions, and load up the plate with salad or veggies. I have one or two protein shakes a day. Think about eating smaller meals more often... I know this is stuff you probably already know, but if you make it a point to plan and stick to it, you really will notice a difference, both in weight and in how your stomach feels. I really surprised myself when I was trying to talk myself into stopping to get Yogart Beach the other day. But I kept thinking how my tummy would feel after I ate it. It just wasn't worth it.
Alcohol... this is a biggie. Totally empty calories, and the sugar in alcohol is BAD. Stop drinking! LOL ~ so over the 4th of July we were at the lake, and as part of my "cheat" I had some Bud Lite Lime (I love it). But typically, I do not drink now. I will, but I usually don't.
Water... I shoot for a gallon a day. I bought a Bubba Keg at Walmart ($8.97) and it holds 52oz. I drink two of these daily, and if you think about your protein shakes, you'll get in enough water. This has made a HUGE difference for me. I was never a water drinker, and I'm amazed I drank so little now that I'm in the habit of drinking this much. Believe it or not, I am thirsty now as I write this even after drinking that much. I believe this helps my tummy to be flatter (along with all the stuff above). But I wake up in the morning with a flat tummy. I like that I'm no longer sleeping next to my stomach! Aw, you know what I mean, don't you! LOL
I hope this helps and that you really give it a try... I swear you will stop wanting that bad for you stuff when you start to really feel how good it feels to be healthier!
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