A good friend of mine suggested I attempt a blog. So, here it goes. Not that I am easily persuaded or anything like that, it's just I enjoy writing and I also enjoy encouraging others to be the best they can be. So hopefully this blog will do just that.
This year I find myself 45 years old, married 25 years, mother of two adults (at least according to their age), and realizing how important fitness, moving our bodies and eating well really is to live a fulfilled, long life ~ providing we don't get run over by a bus first. My hope for this blog is to encourage you to get moving, learn to enjoy healthy eating and be the best that you can be. I hope that you will set a goal to do something you never thought you'd do this year ~ 2011 ~ fitness wise. Maybe it's to walk a 5k, or maybe it's to run a marathon. Both of these are obtainable if you really want to do it.
It is 2011 friends. Do you remember a blink ago everyone was freaking out over Y2K? That was 11 years ago. Now let's not put off another day the choice to be healthy and live well. You can do it! I would love to encourage you in anyway, and I will keep you posted on my progress as well. I have a ridiculous goal this year. A goal I think I may not be able to do. Do you feel that way about what you'd like to accomplish? Is it because we are afraid to fail? Afraid to succeed? Which is it? I think it's a combination of both. So let's not let those silly worries stop us from working toward our goal, because doing something toward the goal is success.
Good luck and Happy New Year!!
Yahoooooo!!! Here we go! I am so proud of you for setting it up so quickly... and it looks great!